Our Story
Peninsula Gives was born over a dinner conversation between two new parents, Craig and Lindsay Sabourin.
As new parents, the Sabourin’s learned quickly, which all parents already know, your child’s wellbeing comes before anything else. The thought of their new child ever becoming ill was an unbearable and horrifying thought, but for many, it’s a reality. The wellbeing of their child was top of mind over that dinner conversation as dear friends of theirs, Luke and Mellissa Mollberg of the Saanich Peninsula, were living every parent’s nightmare.
During the summer of 2022 their five-year-old daughter, Lily, had been complaining of headaches which led to a hospital visit. Within hours, the family was being air lifted by helicopter from Victoria General Hospital to BC Children’s Hospital as they had learned Lily had a fist sized tumor on her brain that needed to be operated on immediately. Today, Lily remains on the recovery journey with the monitoring and care of the BC Children’s Hospital.
The Sabourin’s and Mollberg’s joined forces to create an annual fundraiser, Peninsula Gives, to raise funds for different departments within BC Children’s Hospital in support of the kids. The Sabourin’s and Mollberg’s joined forces to create Peninsula Gives, an annual fundraiser to support different departments within BC Children’s Hospital. Each day, an average of 14 children from Vancouver Island receive a diagnosis from BC Children’s Hospital. Peninsula Gives founders believe that we are incredibly fortunate to have an internationally ranked top-five pediatric hospital in our own backyard, and it is our duty to support their efforts.
As a business owner, Mr. Sabourin understands the privilege of having your door knocked on constantly for donations and sponsorships. However, the unfortunate reality is that due to finite time and resources, not all causes can be supported. For this reason, Mr. Sabourin and the entire team at Peninsula Gives feel that directing support to our renowned Children’s Hospital is the ultimate way to support each and everyone of our local communities, by supporting those who are building our future, the children!

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